Attendance Do's and Don'ts

Attendance Dos and Don'ts
health related absence

If you are absent from school due to illness, a parent/guardian needs to call the school by 10AM to excuse the absence. If you become ill at school, you need to report to the main office. 
E-mail the attendance office here

extended absence

If you are planning an extended absence from school, a parent/guardian needs to contact the office prior to the absence.  Absences for multiple days will need to be preapproved (form 3122F) at least three days prior to the absence. 
Pre-Approval Form available here  ** please note, you'll need to either print or download form as a pdf and email or return the hard copy to the Attendance Secretary at PHS: [email protected]

For your reference: Pre-Arranged Attendance Policy here

 emergency absence     EMERGENCY ABSENCE

If you are absent from school because of an emergency, please have  a parent/guardian contact the school within two school days of the absence.  Let us know how we can help.  The attendance office can help you get make-up work and/or direct you to resources you may need. 

 appointment during school hours     HAVE AN APPOINTMENT DURING SCHOOL HOURS?

If you are absent due to a planned appointment, a parent/guardian needs to contact the attendance office at (509) 332-1551 ext. 1 prior to the absence.  If the appointment is during the school day, please sign out in the main office before leaving and please be sure to bring back documentation of your appointment and give a copy to the Attendance Secretary when you return.