This course guide provides information on all courses offered by Pullman High School for the 2024-25 school
year. We hope this guide will help answer your questions as you decide which high school courses to request
for next year.
Courses in this guide will only be scheduled if there are enough student requests to fill a class. If a class is
pulled from the schedule due to lack of requests, students will be assigned an alternate course by the
guidance counselor. Students are required to select alternate course choices for each elective. If you do not
choose an alternate and cannot get into your first-choice class, your guidance counselor will choose courses
for you based on graduation requirements and your High School and Beyond Plan.
It is very important that you think carefully about your course requests. Reviewing your graduation
requirements and your educational or career goals after high school should prioritize your course requests.
Additionally, we hire teachers and staff based on student course requests and we are bound to that
commitment. Once course schedules are established and the master schedule is created, students may not
change or drop a class without the approval of a guidance counselor and it may also require the approval of
the principal.
Course requests are submitted every spring.
*NEW* Online Course Guide for 2024-2025