Please click this link to be directed to the transcript request form:
There are no fees for this service.
The transcript request form can be mailed, emailed or handed in to the Pullman High School Registrar. Hardcopies are available across from the Registrar’s window.
MAILING FORM: Pullman High School Registrar
Edie Talbot
510 NW Greyhound Way
Pullman, WA 99163
**In order to fill out the form and submit it digitally, you MUST FIRST DOWNLOAD it to the pdf reader of your choice**
If you are unable to email this pdf fillable form, we can process your request with an email but it must include the following details:
- Full legal name at the time of attendance at Pullman High School
- Graduation Year or last year attending PHS or Pullman School District
- Date of Birth
- Full name and mailing address for where you need the transcript sent
- Instructions for faxing or emailing must have complete fax numbers or email addresses
Requests will usually be processed/sent in two school days.
Due to the school year starting later this year, our Semester 1 (7th semester) grades will not be complete until after February 1. Please be sure to get any 7th semester transcript requests to our registrar, Mrs. Talbot, by January 31 so she can quickly process them when grades are finalized. We can provide a letter, if needed, to any schools that express concerns about our grades arriving after a deadline they have set. Mrs. Talbot can process any transcript requests after that date, but she cannot guarantee they will go out as soon. Here are links to help you with the transcript process.
Transcript requests are usually required by colleges three times during your senior year.
1st - Initial college applications in the fall.
2nd - When grades are completed for Semester 1 (7th term report)
3rd - Final Transcripts at end of June sent to the school you are attending.
It is your role to do the following regarding the transcript process:
- Ensure you submit a transcript request in a timely manner to meet application deadlines.
- Ensure request includes accurate and complete destination information (addresses, emails, fax numbers, method, etc.)
- Verify colleges have received your transcript AND updated your admissions file.In most cases, you will be able to do so through the applicant portal on the school’s website.If there is an issue, contact the college admissions office.
- You will need to submit transcript request forms for the first two timelines listed above. PHS will not automatically send transcripts based on your fall requests.You must update those requests at semester one.
- For your final transcript request (usually submitted in May) you can email Mrs. Wenger which school you have chosen to attend and she will add that transcript to her year-end processing list.You can also turn in a third request form if you prefer.
Please pay attention to EACH college’s instructions for sending transcripts. You may simply need to have your guidance counselor attach it to your School Report in the Common Application or Coalition Application, or it may need to be sent individually via postal mail, email, fax or you may need to do a combination of both. Most colleges may let you upload an unofficial copy to your file, but all schools will REQUIRE you to have an official copy (signed, stamped, sealed) sent directly from PHS.
Pullman High School typically completes and sends transcript requests within two school days, except for end of semester requests.
Semester 1 – One week after term ends
Semester 2 - Final Transcripts will be processed immediately after year end grades are completed, usually two weeks AFTER graduation.
Diplomas, graduation program, a copy of the final transcript and select records will be picked up in person by graduates at the END of June. This timeline is necessary as we need complete grades to academically clear each senior and issue final transcripts.
These final documents will not be released to graduates who have fines. Additionally, transcripts sent to colleges will be stamped unofficial until fines are paid.